#11 – Let’s Talk Side Hustles (Part 1)
We talk about some of our best and worst side hustle experiences (ka-chings and wah-wahs) and we also listen in to an interview that Beth had with her friend Victoria about a big side hustle flop. You can find the show notes for this episode here: https://frugaliciouspod.com/episode11.
#10 – Let’s Talk Deals With Debbie
Beth interviews her friend Debbie, who has earned the nickname “Never Pay Full Price Debbie.” In this interview, Debbie shares all of her deal secrets and tells some amazing stories about some of her best deal scores. You can see the show notes for this episode here: https://frugaliciouspod.com/episode10.
Let’s Talk Disneyland
(You can listen to this episode here) Music and sound credits: All our music is by the fabulous Atoria. You can click on these links to find out more about her music: Music | YouTube channel | Instagram Sound effects from www.freesound.org Do it or don’t: Beth and Jessica: Don’t buy a souvenir when you go to Disneyland! Let the…
#8 – Let’s Talk Disneyland
We share about how even though it’s not cheap, there are some ways to cut the cost if you decide to go to Disneyland. Plus, some of our favorite interviewees are back to share their Disney tips! (Make sure to check out the show notes for this episode as we share a ton of information…
Introducing Frugalicious
(You can listen to this episode here) Music credits: All our music is by the fabulous Atoria. You can click on the links below to find out more about her music. Music | YouTube channel | Instagram Other mentions: Gelly Roll pens Do it or don’t: Try using the fancy gifts that you get! Don’t save them too long, or…
Introducing Frugalicious
Welcome to our new podcast, Frugalicious! In this first episode, you learn all about the hosts of this show and our reason for starting this podcast. Enjoy! You can see our show notes here: https://frugaliciouspod.com/episode0.